Monday, September 5, 2011


It's not a zoo.....yet. We bought a house back in December of 2010. It is a nice house that we got at a great price as it was a foreclosure. She sits on almost an acre (a house can be a girl, right?) Our neighbor on one side and behind us is a large farm with about 80 acres and bunches of cows.

I bought chickens shortly after moving in. We still have Stinky the cat and Marley and Bubba. And five fish. That's totally not a zoo. It's not a zoo! Andy keeps trying to say it is but it isn't. At least not yet.

I decided it's time to start a new house blog since I guess we aren't using the old one anymore. Speaking of the old house, it's so sad. The new tenants have let all the landscaping die. I swear I won't to go kick them out. All that money and all that work and all that love and they just let it all die. Bastards.

I can't post any pictures with this first entry because I don't have any. My computer crashed recently and I lost EVERYTHING. All my documents and all my photos. Never again will there be no backup.

I guess I can go grab a few photos. Hold on!

Three Koi fish currently living in a tuperware type container in my office until Andy digs me a fish pond in the front yard.

Kitchen and dining room. Fench doors to backyard and to the right you can see the other front door. My office is on the other side of the dining room.

Dining room and french doors out to backyard

Marley. He thinks the backyard is great.

Still terrified of men, poor puppy.

Some of my orchids I have in my office. Mom and I are going to the orchid show in Chicago at the end of the month and an orchid auction in a couple of weeks. Fun!

Kitchen. I just painted the backsplash and island which were an awful blood maroon red. Ugh.


Stinky. The worlds worst secretary but he works for free.

I'll post more in a second entry because I can never figure out how to upload photos without it messing up the rest of the crap.

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