Monday, September 5, 2011

Yet II

Dumpling - Millie Fleur bantam cochin

Doody Toe Burrito Peeper - my current fav. Plymouth barred rock- just a baby but will be standard size so she can chase all the other girls around

Miss Fluffy Butt - White Silkie - silkies have blue skin

I try to keep some of the feather arouns her eyes trimmed so she can see. She walks into a lot of things - other chickens, walls, people. etc.

Nugget, she is the head pecking boss.

Of course there is a pirate flag and chickens on the chicken coop which was a shed that Andy converted 1/3 of for my hen house. Don't tell him but sooner or later the girls are taking over the whole shed.

Little and Oreo. Oreo is Tad's chicken and she is apparently from Germany. Of course my son has a German Jew chicken. Of course. They are both bantam cochins. Little is a splash and Oreo is a black mottled.

Frick and Frack are on the left. Frack is the one on the far left and Frick is in the middle. Little is on the right. I bought Frick and Frack online when I was high on painkillers. I didn't know I had bought them until they showed up. I was kind of hoping maybe I had bought an elephant or baby pygmy hippo while I was stoned out of my mind. Frick and Frack are joined at the hip and total thieves.

Fajita and Corky. Black and Partridge silkies. I hatched these guys from eggs! We don't know what they are sex-wise and won't until they either crow or lay an egg. There was four that I hatched but a raccoon got two of them. Fucker.

Front of the house

Side yard - you can see cow pasture through the trees on the left side

Side yard and behind is all looking at cow pasture

Little and Oreo siting on the milk crate, Dumpling (multi colored) Nugget and Frick and Frack


Fajita and Corky hanging out in the dog house.

Chicken run. I made if myself! Andy cringes but we'll get it fixed properly. For now it works.

I swear I didn't buy any animal. Sort of.

Kitchen/dining. Think I posted already?

Back of house

Master bathroom. Also a horrible horrible deep maroon/burgandy that was awful.

Master Bedroom

Family room



So there is a glimpse of what it's like at the new house. One of these days I'll figure out how to post pictures into a pretty blogpost like Andy does. For now it's not high on the priority list. Life is good here at the Not a Zoo. We still laugh at least once everyday. I don't know that a person can or should ask for more than that.

Love on!

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